
Bedroom Organization Tips

Cluttered and chaotic bedrooms will make it harder to unwind, rest and sleep. Follow these 7 sure-fire tips to keep your bedroom clutter free and organized.

#1. Most people wear 20% of their clothes 80% of the time. Free up vital storage space by clearing out the clothes you hardly ever wear.

#2. Pack away out of season clothes. Use dust proof storage containers. Store them in the loft or under the bed.

#3. Use dust proof underbed storage bins for packing away out of season bed linen.

#4. Clear out any remaining clutter from drawers, closets or wardrobes. Use organizers, dividers, racks and shelves to make better use of available storage.

#5. Remove anything stored in the bedroom that doesn't belong there.

#6. Clear the clutter from all surfaces. The more stuff lying around, the harder it is to keep the place clean and free of dust.

#7. Clear the floor of any clutter.

Learn more great home organization and dealing with clutter tips.